This is a list of conferences and talks in the foreseeable future that are relevant to people in AC group in TU/e (which stands for Algebraic Combinatorics and includes, roughly speaking, people related to Aida in some way, mostly as her students). I like to keep this list up to date mostly for the sake of my academic siblings (and my own), but if you are in the same field / position / community as me then you might find something relevant for yourself as well.
Pretty extensive lists of links to Combinatorial Conferences: Douglas B. West's list, Janos Pach's list,
TU/e Academic Year Agenda (Autumn 2024)
November 1: Antonina Khramova (me!) is giving a talk at the CO lunch seminar in Eindhoven. The talk will be about the Delsarte LP bound applied to sum-rank-metric codes, so similar to what I talked about in Caserta and G2C2, but with less focus on the eigenvalue bound result and more on association schemes and related algebra stuff (hopefully in a way that is accessible to those who are not familiar with this type of algebraic coding theory). For more information, check the CO lunch seminar mails.
Link: TBA
November 4 - 8: A Eurandom workshop (Eindhoven, TU/e) on graph Laplacians, multivariate extremes and algebraic statistics, with mini-courses in the first two days and the workshop in the following three days. It seems related to the graph theory we are doing, so worth checking out, especially since it is in Eindhoven. Also, Aida is giving a talk. Registration is already open.
November 18 - December 16, January 6, January 20 - February 10: An LNMB course Networks and Semidefinite Programming by Monique Laurent and Sven Polak will have lectures on Mondays in Utrecht. Luuk and I intend to go.
November 21 - 22: The traditional DIAMANT Autumn Symposium will take place at de Werelt in Lunteren. Members of DIAMANT and members of their research groups can go for free, which includes Aida and the AC group. In CO group, people always try to go to DIAMANT events. Krystal Guo is one of the invited speakers, and contributed talks from PhD students are accepted. Registration will open soon.
TU/e Academic Year Agenda (Spring 2025)
February 10 - 11, 13 - 15: Indo-Spanish Pre-Conference School on Algorithms and Combinatorics and 11th Annual International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM) in PSG College of Technology (Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India). Aida Abiad and Mark de Berg are some of the organizers. For the conference, currently there is a call for papers describing original research in either algorithms or discrete applied mathematics (submission deadline is September 27). Early registration deadline for the conference is December 31 2024.
For the school, the invited speakers include Aida Abiad, Sergio Cabello, Kolja Knauer, and Simeon Ball. Attending the school (combining with the conference or separately) is free. There is also Young Researchers Forum which will take place on day 1 of the school, and it is said that all selected students are expected to do a 5 minutes presentation on their research related to CALDAM topics. The registration for the school starts on September 1.
March 5 - 7: Error-correcting codes and combinatorial structures workshop is organized by our friends from the 6th floor (Alberto, Altan, and Benjamin) in Eindhoven. The abstract submission deadline for contributed talks is November 15, and the registration deadline is January 5. The speakers may also apply for small travel grants. I am planning to apply, and I think Aida is going to be there as well, and it seems like the perfect place to showcase the graph and coding theory combination that our AC group has been doing.
March 25 - 26: The Dutch Days of Combinatorics are hosted by TU Delft this year. This is probably the most important national combinatorics event, usually with a lot of focus on algebraic combinatorics and graph theory, and I personally like it very much and excited to go. Registration is already open, and you can apply for a lightning talk in the form. There are also slots for short talks in addition to plenary and lightning talks, but there is currently no information on whether it is possible to apply for those and how.
April 22 - 24: Easter will be on April 20 in 2025, so in the week after it we expect NMC (Dutch Congress of Mathematics) and a spring DIAMANT symposium right after it.
Link: TBA
June 23 - 27: Next ILAS conference will be in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Robin and I were at the previous ILAS in Madrid, and it was a great experience, it's a big conference, but not so big that most of the talks are irrelevant simply by nature of covering many topics. On the contrary, the event is in linear algebra there is always something at least somewhat interesting happening, and last year had a lot of graph and combinatorics focus, too. Registration will open in early 2025.
Regular online seminars
The group from Waterloo organizes an AGT Seminar that is held weekly on Mondays at 17:30 CET. I think you can contact Soffia [] to get on the mailing list.
There is a webpage:
and also a YouTube playlist with recordings of past seminar sessions: on Groups and Graphs is an online seminar for young researchers (PhD students) in finite group theory and spectral graph theory organized by SUSTech in China. The seminar's usual time is Wednesday 10:00 CET (assuming summer time; 16:00 GMT+8), and some talks are in Chinese, but some are in English. To get notified about the latter ones, you can send an email to [] with your name.
Link: Miller's Combinatorics Webinar has sessions every third Wednesday of the month. Cristina [] is probably the person who can get you on the mailing list.
Link: is a biweekly seminar for junior researchers in coding theory. In Fall 2024, the talks will be on Tuesdays at 4pm CET, starting from September 24. You can fill out a form on the webpage to receive announcements.
Link: group from Caserta organizes an eSeminar "Galois geometries and their applications" with some very nice coding and geometry related talks, so relevant for us. The schedule is somewhat irregular, but there are usually talks once a month. You can find the contacts of the organizers on the seminar's webpage and ask them to include you in the mailing list.
Link: webinar is currently on a break) AGTIW happens every other Tuesday at 19:00 CET and is managed by Robert Jajcay, mail him [] to get on the list. The zoom links and recordings of the past webinars are available on the webpage.
Further-future events & misc.
A relevant conference (Graph Embeddings and Maps on Surfaces, GEMS) should happen in Slovakia in the summer of 2025.
12th Heidelberg Laureate Forum is scheduled for September 14–19, 2025.
Link: edition of Finite Geometry and Friends summer school in VU Brussels will be on September 16-20 2025, but it was not announced yet.
Next ICM will be in July 23-30, 2026 in Philadelphia, USA.
Next ECM will be in July 17-21, 2028 in Bologna, Italy.