Here you can find my bachelor and master theses available for download (in Russian). In a somewhat likely case that you have not mastered the great and mighty language of Pushkin and Tchaikovsky, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Musorgsky and Shostakovich, Maltsev and Kargopolov, Tsoy, Ice-Pick Lodge, and the best animated films in existence, you can look into my published papers which present the results in a manner close to the original, and in some cases severely improved at that.

Здесь желающие могут ознакоминатся с моими дипломными (выпускными квалификационными) работами в бакалавриате и магистратуре:

In English: The criterion of the existence of a solvable π-Hall subgroup in a finite group. Supervisor: A. Buturlakin, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.

In English: A new algorithm to solve a two-machine open shop problem and its application to a routing problem. Supervisor: I. Chernykh, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.